AMP Smart integrates with your home by using the latest technology to protect your family. Never worry about being far away from home.
Open and close your doors from anywhere around the world. Give your family and friends easy access into your home. Don’t worry about losing your keys or letting people in when you’re not home, you’re covered.
Have you ever had a panic attack thinking your garage door is open? Our garage door controllers will alert you if the garage is left open for more than 10 minutes. Gives you the flexibility to close your garage door from anywhere around the world.
Control your thermostat from anywhere! Our smart thermostat provides you with the ability to preset the temperature of your home upon arrival.
Now you can turn your lights on or off without being home. Lamp modules also allow you to set a timer if you’re away from home for an extended period of time.
Call 800-817-3918 to discuss your home and get a free quote
A Smart Home Pro will help you customize a system specifically to your home
Schedule professional installation at your convenience
AMP Security- AK: 1044343 AL:2024-001435; AR: CMPY.0002861, AZ: 263061, 18156-0; DE: 13-129, 2010600584; FL: EG 13000375; GA: LVA205856; IA: AS-0014; Indianapolis, IN: LAC-000233; IL: 127.001419; Louisville, KY: LMPD 705; MD: 107-1459, 7863, 16852690; MI: 3601206765; NC: 28465-SP-FA/LV, 2152-CSA, BPN 006772P2; NJ: 34BA00178800, 34FA00143500, 13VH06683200, 34BF00050500; NV: NV20131151491, 0080873; NY: 12000296377; OH: 53 89 1688; OK: AC440772, OR: 1685588-7; PA: PA061066; SC: BAC 13403; TN: 1645; TX: B16245, ACR-3435; UT: 7494173-6501; VA: 11-6192; WA: 603524608,AMPSESL855RZ; Milwaukee, WI: PAS–0003049, PASALES-0000241; WV: LV3872878150611, WY: LV-G-50044; Alarm Monitoring Protection- CA: ACO 6814, 982163, 101335324.
Titanium Solar- AZ: ROC 343174, ROC 346163; CA: 1076974; CO: EC.0102534, ME.3001158; FL- CVC57178; GA: EN218525; KY: CE66128, ME35066; TX: 37362, 548988; UT: 12881647-5501, 365581-5502
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