The best carbon detector on the market for unseen carbon deposits.
Our wireless carbon sensors work with your security system to protect you from dangers both seen and unseen. Carbon monoxide is an odorless and colorless gas that takes the lives of many every year. Due to it being undetectable by smell or sight, you need a carbon sensor to protect your home. Easily install this sensor and integrate it with the rest of your security system to allow for a hub of complete home protection.
AMP Security- AK: 1044343 AL:2024-001435; AR: CMPY.0002861, AZ: 263061, 18156-0; DE: 13-129, 2010600584; FL: EG 13000375; GA: LVA205856; IA: AS-0014; Indianapolis, IN: LAC-000233; IL: 127.001419; Louisville, KY: LMPD 705; MD: 107-1459, 7863, 16852690; MI: 3601206765; NC: 28465-SP-FA/LV, 2152-CSA, BPN 006772P2; NJ: 34BA00178800, 34FA00143500, 13VH06683200, 34BF00050500; NV: NV20131151491, 0080873; NY: 12000296377; OH: 53 89 1688; OK: AC440772, OR: 1685588-7; PA: PA061066; SC: BAC 13403; TN: 1645; TX: B16245, ACR-3435; UT: 7494173-6501; VA: 11-6192; WA: 603524608,AMPSESL855RZ; Milwaukee, WI: PAS–0003049, PASALES-0000241; WV: LV3872878150611, WY: LV-G-50044; Alarm Monitoring Protection- CA: ACO 6814, 982163, 101335324.
Titanium Solar- AZ: ROC 343174, ROC 346163; CA: 1076974; CO: EC.0102534, ME.3001158; FL- CVC57178; GA: EN218525; KY: CE66128, ME35066; TX: 37362, 548988; UT: 12881647-5501, 365581-5502
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